Meeting documents

  • Meeting of High Wycombe Town Committee, Tuesday, 24th April, 2018 7.00 pm (Item 42.)

By the Head of Communities, Elaine Jewell.


The Chairman welcomed the Leader of the Council, Councillor Katrina Wood, to the meeting and explained that she had been invited to attend for this item following the motion that was passed at the last Full Council meeting. 


The Head of Community Services, Elaine Jewell, informed the Committee that the Working Group were still meeting hence this was an interim report due to the timescales involved.   


The Head of Community Services explained that in 2011 the Committee resolved to fund the installation of concrete burial chambers, following requests from Muslim community representatives. The chambers were identified by them as more suitable for Islamic burial practices than the metal frames supplied by the Council up to that date.  It was noted that the new vaults were deeper and would be installed as previously, i.e. grave spaces laid out head to foot with a 1m path along the foot of the grave and 450mm gaps between graves for access around as a minimum.


The Committee was informed that it had been a very severe winter and that there had been a significant flu outbreak which had resulted in a high demand for the burial chambers.  The Head of Community Services explained that she believed the remaining vaults would be exhausted by the summer so was hoping to implement the deeper vaults, which incidentally were cheaper, that could provide about a year’s supply. 


Members were informed that there were two options.

  • Option one – to install a new area of vaults.  The capital cost of new vaults would need to come from Special Expenses and would be repaid by income received for vault burials.
  • Option two – to cease to provide vault burials, in which case earth burials would be the only option.


Members made a number of points which included looking at a smaller number to last for one year, which was felt to be 40 burial chambers.  It was noted that if less were provided the terrace would only be partially filled and would need to be re-excavated which could cause distress to the families of those buried nearby and disrupt the service.  The Committee was informed that the Muslim community in High Wycombe was believed to be growing and that an aging population and varying death rates meant that the 52 vaults may be used at a quicker rate than predicted. 


The Head of Community Services explained that there was still a bit more work to be done by the Task and Finish Group on specifications, testing and soft market testing local suppliers. 


It was agreed that the Head of Community Services would confirm that the vaults would be bottomless, terms on which vaults could be reserved, the number of vaults currently available, and the fees to be charged and would provide the information as an addendum for the minutes.   


Councillor Mahboob Hussain proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Zia Ahmed and supported by the Committee. 



(i)   That £35,360 for 52 additional burial vaults from the Special Expenses Account be approved; and

(ii)   Delegated authority be given to the Head of Community, in consultation with the Chairman of the High Wycombe Town Committee, to make amendments to fees and charges relating to new concrete chambers for Muslim burials.


The Leader was present at the meeting and agreed the recommendation which meant it would be the subject of an individual Cabinet member decision and would not therefore need to go before Cabinet.



Information gathered after the meeting:


  • As of 04/05/18 there were 8 vaults in the ground for burials.


  • Cost for a current chamber was £756 (original cost of Frame) + Interment Charge £323 + Purchase Right of Burial £727 = £1806.


  • Cost for new chamber was £680 (original cost of Frame reduced rate) + Interment Charge £323 + Purchase Right of Burial £727 = £1730.


  • The Chamber was open at the bottom.


  • The Link to the fees and information on reservations has been linked to the cemetery page.


Supporting documents: